Orthodox Christianity is a communion of self governing Churches, united by a common faith and spirituality.
The following is a list of the Orthodox Jurisdictions in the United States
Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America: https://www.assemblyofbishops.org
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America - http://antiochian.org/
American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of North America: https://www.acrod.org
Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Diocese of the USA, Canada, and Australia: https://www.bulgariandiocese.org
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America: https://www.goarch.org
Orthodox Church in America: https://www.oca.org
Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese in America & Canada: http://www.romarch.org/
Russian Orthodox Church in the USA: http://mospatusa.com/
Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia: http://www.synod.com/synod/indexeng.htm
Serbian Orthodox Church in North, Central, and South America: https://www.serborth.org
Ukranian Orthodox Church of the USA: https://www.uocofusa.org