At St. George of Bridgeville we are blessed with a full liturgical cycle of services, a steadily growing church school program, a beautiful choir and group of chanters and readers, as well as dedicated and faithful clergy.
In addition to our full parish life within the walls of St. George of Bridgeville, our parish reaches out lovingly to those in the community, in our city, and around the world to support those in need through various ministries.
Ancient Faith Ministries: https://www.ancientfaith.com
Ancient Faith Ministries exists to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ through accessible and excellently-crafted publications and creative media that educate, edify, and evangelize, leading to a living experience of God through His Holy Orthodox Church. Ancient Faith Ministries is a department of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America with a pan-Orthodox outreach. Mediums include Radio, Publishing, Store, Blogs, and Film.
Antiochian Village Retreat and Conference Center: https://www.antiochianvillage.org
Antiochian Village is a Christian conference and retreat center located on 300 acres in the beautiful Laurel Highlands of southwestern Pennsylvania, just six miles north of the historic town of Ligonier. Owned and operated by the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, Antiochian Village was established in 1978 through the vision and leadership of the Archbishop, Metropolitan Philip, who dreamed of a place where the faithful of all ages could meet, worship, and become closer to God, away from the distractions of daily life.
Antiochian Village Camp: https://avcamp.org
The Antiochian Village Summer Camp Program serves young people ages 9-17 who come to attend one of four two-week sessions. One of the main goals of the Village Camp program is to present to young people a living experience of the Holy Orthodox Faith in their relationship with God and other campers in an uncluttered, natural environment.
The Village provides an experience, which has been very instrumental in the spiritual maturation of many young people. The major components which contribute to that experience include the following:
- daily Orthodox worship with an emphasis on participation;
- a challenge toward spiritual growth through daily homilies, religious education, and relationships with counselors and fellow Orthodox campers;
- a safe and naturally beautiful setting for group living; and
- a caring and loving staff fully dedicated to the campers well-being and growth.
“Antiochian Village Camp transforms lives and nurtures faith in Jesus Christ through Orthodox Christian community living, worship, education, fellowship, and love.”
Bridgeville Area Food Bank: https://bethanypresby.org/food-bank
St. George supports and contributes to the Bridgeville Community Food Bank which is operated out of Bethany Presbyterian Church. The food bank distributes groceries to needy families within the Chartiers Valley and South Fayette School District communities. A yearly Christmas toy drive is also conducted for Food Bank recipient families.
Choices Pregnancy Services: https://choices-for-life.org
Choices exists to empower, equip and educate individuals to make informed life choices. Our desire is:
- To provide positive alternative choices to abortion, with the specific goal of preserving the lives of the unborn; to promote the desire to make independent and informed life choices with full understanding.
- To offer hope to those who have been adversely impacted by an unplanned pregnancy or abortion.
- To heighten awareness of the sanctity of human life and the benefits of sexual abstinence outside of marriage.
- To form alliances with the life-affirming community in order to save future generations.
- To challenge the church to join us at the forefront of the battle, to restore the sanctity of human life.
- To operate with the highest standards of integrity, thereby honoring Jesus Christ and loving others as He first loved us.
- Choices has four locations: Coraopolis, Beaver Valley, Pittsburgh (Carson St.), and an ICU Mobile Clinic.
Feed Our Students: http://feedourstudents.com
Feed Our Students is a 501(c3) non-profit organization which provides food to students who suffer from food insecurity. Students are given 6 meals each weekend so they are well fed and ready to come to school on Monday ready to learn. If you are interested in volunteering or making a donation, please visit our website.
FOCUS (Fellowship of Orthodox Christians United to Serve) - https://focusnorthamerica.org
Internation Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC): www.iocc.org
IOCC, in the spirit of Christ’s love, offers emergency relief and development programs to those in need worldwide, without discrimination, enabling them to continue to improve their own lives and communities and to have means to live with dignity, respect and hope. And by doing so we strengthen the capacity of the Orthodox Church to respond in love to a needy world.
Neighborhood Resilience Project: https://neighborhoodresilience.org
Rooted in the Gospel and teachings of the Orthodox Church, inspired by the Civil Rights Movement (American 1950s-1960s), the mission of the Neighborhood Resilience Project is to support the transformation of neighborhoods from Trauma Affected Communities to Resilient Healing and Healthy Communities through Trauma Informed Community Development. To inspire a movement in which suffering people are raised up from the ashes of trauma in unconditional love to become empowered healers, community builders, and positive change makers. The Neighborhood Resilience Project began in the Hill District of Pittsburgh and has since spread to other cities throughout the midwest and eastern part of the country.
Orthodox Christian Network: https://myocn.net
The Orthodox Christian Network is an Affiliated Ministry of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America.
The St. Constantine School Pittsburgh: https://www.saintconstantine.org/pittsburgh
We are bringing a school to the Pittsburgh metro area that provides a classical, Christian education so that we may become people ready for today and prepared for eternity. As part of the educational mission of the Orthodox Church, The Saint Constantine School educates servant-leaders through classical, Christian, practical education, nurturing the minds and hearts of students for their own salvation, for the benefit of the world, and to the glory of God.