St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church
3230 Washington Pike | Bridgeville PA 15017
Every Sunday - 9:30am Matins, 10:30am Divine Liturgy
/ Groups / Teen SOYO

Looking for something amazing to do this summer? Look no further than the Antiochian Village Camp!! Check out the camp's website:

Antiochian Village Camp transforms lives and nurtures faith in Jesus Christ through Orthodox Christian community living, worship, education, fellowship, and love.






Teens with Erik from Light in my City
Teens with Erik from Light in my City
Teens with Erik from Light in my City
Past Events

Teens Raise Funds and Organize Clothing Drive for Local Charity

Each year, by the Grace of God and with the leadership from our priests and religious education teachers, our teens have been selecting a service project to complete during the Nativity Season. Past years have seen them collect food, toys, and funds for local charities. This year, several teens expressed their desire to help the homeless of Pittsburgh by collecting and donating winter coats. With the help of their advisor, Mrs. Deep, they contacted the Light in my City organization to see how they could help with their efforts. 

The teens organized a winter wear drive at the church and were able to collect many items such as coats, hats, scarves, and sweaters to donate! In addition, they organized a parish luncheon and raffle, with all proceeds and donations benefiting Light in my City. Erik, founder of the organization met with the students and parish to present about Light in my City's  mission. 

The teens are proud to announce they raised over $1600 for the organization, which was MATCHED by a Light in my City donor. Their efforts yielded over $3200 in funds and over 15 large bags of warm clothing, which was quickly distributed to those in need. 

For more information on the Light in my City organization, please visit their website at


Story of the Young Church - Book of the Acts of the Apostles

Acts 1  Acts 15
Acts 2  Acts 16
Acts 3  Acts 17
Acts 4  Acts 18
Acts 5  Acts 19
Acts 6 Acts 20
Acts 7 Acts 21
Acts 8 Acts 22
Acts 9 Acts 23
Acts 10 Acts 24
Acts 11 Acts 25
Acts 12 Acts 26
Acts 13 Acts 27
Acts 14 Acts 28
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